Academic Support

The answer to all student needs


SIMI & Members

Understand SIMI Swiss, its schools, departments, and organizations


Learning Methods

Understand live class, full online, hybrid, and full-time models

Accreditation & Recognition

Know how to check the accreditation and recognition of each program


Tutor Support

Understand the tutor's role and support in the learning process


Writing Support

Understand writing, English, formatting, and plagiarism support

Research Support

Understand research supervision and ISI/SCOPUS publishing guidance

Academic Support

A part of the Smart University Strategy

The Smart University Strategy is SIMI Swiss’s core approach, applied across all activities. Academic Support is key to enhancing training and academic quality following the CATS model.

  • C – Contents must be updated
  • A – Accreditation is a priority
  • T – Technology is fully applied
  • S – Service-minded in all processes

Academic Support is in all learning

Before Entry

Before joining the program, the support system provides candidates with all the necessary information to make a decision transparently


The academic support system includes teaching assistants, English support, writing assistance, academic assistants, reminders, and increased interaction between students, instructors, and the university.

Make Assignments

Before submitting assignments, students will receive English checks, format checks, formatting support, and plagiarism checks.

Make Research

Master's and doctoral students entering the research phase will be assigned a faculty advisor or provided with support workshops to ensure their research meets SIMI Swiss standards. Meeting SIMI Swiss standards means surpassing ordinary research standards.

Publishing for Doctorate

Doctoral candidates, after completing their research, will be assigned a faculty advisor for international publication if desired or as required by the program. SIMI Swiss only recognizes publications in reputable journals owned by SIMI Swiss or in journals within the ISI/SCOPUS group.

SIMI Swiss

All Academic Support Services & Information

Swiss Higher Education Institution

The international cooperation institute of SIMI Swiss

Online Swiss made higher education programs

Swiss Professional programs for relocation

Swiss short course of SIMI Swiss

Swiss Pre University of SIMI Swiss

Convert experience into academic degrees

Specialized knowledge with accredited credits

Learn at work, apply at work, and earn an academic degree

complete degree by entering into the final stage

Swiss Business Program with Full Accreditation

globally recognized education and innovation pedagogy programs